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You Are Meant To Thrive

Looking to feel better?
Want to get control over your negative thoughts?
Are you ready to strengthen your relationships?

With in-person and virtual treatments, we’re here to help you find hope and relief.
Our skilled team of practitioners will build you a personal treatment program, help you get to the root of your challenges, and provide the support you need to reach your goals.
Book a free call with our Care Coordinators to learn more.


At Numinus, we take a holistic, integrated approach to healing, combining the latest advances in medicine with the best in evidence-based care. We offer transformative healing experiences with our range of mental health and wellness treatments.

Tailored Treatment For You

Our team knows your story is unique, as is your path to healing. Pain can show up in different ways:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Trauma
  • Substance use and addiction
  • Eating disorders
  • Sleep problems
  • Relationship Issues

Whatever form your struggles are taking, our highly skilled team of practitioners are here to help.


Our services are grounded in tailoring each treatment to the individual’s story and developing a thoughtful and grounded plan towards wellness.

Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy
Numinus offers a variety of psychedelic services, including psychedelic integration.
Individual, Group, and Couples Therapy
Our approach to therapy is tailored to your needs, with a focus on achieving measurable results in a timely manner.
This non-invasive treatment uses gentle magnetic pulses to stimulate specific areas of the brain to help treat depression, OCD, or other related conditions.
Numinus offers comprehensive neurology services, including concussion services and botox for headaches.
This type of therapy is based on the idea that the mind can heal from psychological trauma in much the same way that the body can recover from physical trauma.
Medication Management
Our practitioners will assess your individual needs, create a bespoke medication plan, and provide ongoing support to treat your health concerns.


“I was able to have my life saved by the supportive therapies around mental health. I believe everyone should be able to have access to the same healing that I was able to have.”

“There is really an opportunity for us to reframe how we think about these solutions. It’s way less about how we manage the symptoms or how we treat things that are arising, and more about how we understand why they’re there in the first place and what we can do to give people lasting relief.”

“It’s such an opportunity for all of us to bring out these new sides of ourselves, to lead with compassion. It opens the conversation and gets people talking about these things. It’s been so stigmatized and misunderstood.”